Computers are everywhere these days and our children can learn many new things at any age. Our children need to stay up with the times and even one step ahead in order to stay connected with the world of computer and learning.
It is never too early to teach our children new things. Making learning fun is what it is all about. Computer and software can teach just about anything you want it to be. Searching has to be done to find the right one for that right person and on the Internet is a good place to start. There are so many different programs out today that choosing the right one will take some time and effort.
Reading is hard for a lot of us even as adults let alone your child that are just starting. Turn they’re reading skills over by getting a program called Fonty for all age groups. Fonty will teach them new skill you didn’t think was possible.
This program will teach them by using colorful animations, graphics, syllables and sentences by making games and exercises even and test for them to take on what they have learned. This software will teach your child to work with up to 600 words and sentences. The computer will talk to your children and they can talk back. Fonty has been known to teach children and adults that have a learning disability to read and have fun.
Your child or even yourself may be taking Physics and struggling to get through. Check this one out it is called Physics 1 Plus program. Teaching them and letting them learn at their own pace. Physics 1 will teach them energy, force, dynamics, waves gravity and many other things. The lessons are clear and simple using animations, videos making the lessons easier giving quizzes along the way.
Scholastic Brain Play is for grades 1 through 3. Brain Play will teach your child math, science, reading and computer skills too. Famous characters are used to keep the learning fun along with 4 CD’s and workbooks.
Leap Frog History and Geography learning for the 4th grade level. Using the Leap Frog pad and pencil along with the cartridge to go with the book teaches your child history and geography of the United States. Start your child out early like in the 3rd grade teaching them that learning can be fun they will be ahead when they start the 4th grade.
Early Learning Adventure is for the kindergartner that is just starting school. This program will teach your child the skill he or she will need to start leaning in a new environment along with simple math, science, and reading skills.
Peter Rabbit for grades 4 through 6th will help your child the skill for math. It teaches them the value of numbers in a fun way.
Disney is games about finding food for the animals; sing along with the music, writing a story with Tarzan.
Letting your child learn by having fun is what it’s is all about. Learning new skills with each program, you invest in to put on your computer. Learning more computer skills is as important and reading to keep up with the times.
The True Blue Friend program put out by the Super Kids is about whales. With 2 games, one is matching parts of different flukes and a puzzle putting 40 different pictures together taken from the learning lessons. The story is about an old blue whale that turns his back on a young humpback whale. The CD-ROM that is included will teach skills of math, science, and reading to your child. This program is for the K through 2nd grades.
Search and find the program for your children to make learning and computers fun.